The Lost Islands


you should have known the price of evil

Dark eyes study the hardy body of the red mare in front of him. Before he might not require an unknown mare on his land to need an escort, but past events have changed this mindset on this matter. This is why he inquires if she was lost or looking for someone. One does not simply wander into claimed territory without a purpose unless of course, they were lost. His eyes follow her like they were glued to her body as she sidesteps and gains distance between them. She lies through her teeth, but he allows her to continue her tale. After all, how was he to truly know if this was her truth or not?

Just like that, his old instincts took over as she begins to quicken her pace away from him. It was that predator instinct he had, that he was born with, that causes him to become more interested in a mare giving flight. It was clear in her steps that she desired to get away from him. His body lunges forward to block her path, but her teeth come snapping in his direction. He steps backward, but she pinches the tender skin of his chest which causes a squeal to emerge from his lips. There were to be no more games!

Her rump swings around, bumping into his chest, to which he knows what comes next. In the past, he would have mounted her, but the clear image of his Queen stops him from going further. It would be his son's duty to tame the wild in this mare's heart, but at the same time nurturing that inner warrioress. This mare would make a good prospect Queen. The only issue that stands in his way is the strength he would need to hold her here until her will was broken to leave.

He moves around her as swiftly as he could with his legs nearly coming out from under him at the first few steps. Teeth reach to nip at her spine as he tries to reach her front. "I know exactly where you need to be," he says with a snort.

picture an unfinished wip by amigogirl on DA

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