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Re(5): The Soaring Unemployment Rate

EXpectation of the corooivd virus it will get very worse if protective gear (masks, disinfectants ) are not made available and testing become sufficient, and (foolish) risk taking people stop gathering in groups of people. this virus is highly virulent and acts like none we have experienced, Most people are asymptomatica and have it, until it becomes symptomatic and is too later. The real challenge is reducing its transfer. How people look at Trumps efforts will decide the election. Will they, "switch horses" in the middle of a stream?' People will understand the corona virius is a strange event. How did Trump act under pressure, and his "acid test" of leadership It is not normally wise to change leaders in middle of a strugge. I bet we shall see voting along party lines and no big upset. Polls wil be all over the place. and prediction will, like betting on a horse prior to a race. those impacted directly will need a scapegoat. ..wil an effective vaccine wil be AVAILABLE TO billions who want it/.

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