If you haven't registered for the board yet, send me an email at rgunther@twcny.rr.com with the user name and password you want to use and we'll get things set up for you....but if for some reason I don't recognize your email or name, I'll be emailing you back for more info before putting your username in place.
Border Closure Extended Through June 21 IP: Posted on May 23, 2020 at 10:30:27 AM by GWN
No trips to the Big O for this Canuck at least until after then.
June 6 and 13 events have been cancelled...that's four so far.
Hoping that I'll be able to come for the July 4 100 lap Grand Prix event...it would be good to see the back grandstand open so that we can spread out and have lots of fresh air. Replies: