The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is not allowed here. This is a peaceful, neutral area meant for socialising.

you shouldn't walk where the hemlock grows

The black mare listened as Shamwari warned her of the greedy, possessive stallions inhabiting the chain of islands. She knew it was true, as she had seen these particular characters in action once or twice in the Common when she observed from the safety of the outskirts. "I will have to be wary of speaking to stallions, then," she said with a jesting smirk. "Though I assume you’re not one of them, or you’d have driven me to your home by now." Her tone was good-natured, and she laughed. Faolain had not received any bad feelings from the chestnut stallion so far; only friendliness, which she appreciated. It made a good first impression for the Islands, she thought.

When Shamwari lowered his head to graze, Faolain followed suit, plucking at the new spring chutes of grass. The Meadow was quiet, with only a few others milling about, their quiet voices carrying over the gentle breeze but no words could be discerned. It was pleasant, and peaceful. Though she knew she would be moving on soon, Faolain enjoyed this place, and decided to return if she could once she was done exploring the other islands.

"The Prairie," she repeated with a gentle hmm. She still had little knowledge of the other islands at this point, though she had wandered through many mainland prairies and other temperate lands in her wanderlust-fueled travels. The way Shamwari said the word “Prairie”, now and when he had mentioned it earlier in the conversation, seemed to imply that it was a title. It made her curious, and she thought that she would at some point visit and see it for herself. "I’d like that," she said decisively. "I certainly enjoy new places, and I’d like to see your home. Aside from those few stallions you warned me about, this place seems quite pleasant as a whole." She gave him a quiet smile, and went back to grazing. She enjoyed just relaxing in his company, and the silence that followed was comfortable.

ooc: I figured we could wrap this up here and maybe start a new thread if you’re interested!
guardian of the Ridge

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