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Re(1): more

Bill Jefferson used his young boy slaves in making nails , piece work daily , he kept close records ofr time vs output . never heard the thing about young boy as field hands. He had only one black female mistress , Sally Hemmings,. the relationship was unique, especially when he took her with him to France where she was able to become free, slavery was not legal in France. But, Sslly realized she was not in any condition to flee without money, and probably figured she is better off. As the candle burns down, like all lives.
Sally Hemming was a beauty and supposedly looked like Jeffersons only wife that he adored after she died. he was distraught So, he had a few flaws, beside he did for the growing USA - Louisian Purchase, the Lewis Clark Expedition, and a few important thing Dont want to tear down UVA.


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