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Re(2): July 4 Oswego Speedway Event Cancelled IP: Posted on June 27, 2020 at 01:38:49 PM by GWN
Good to see practices, indeed. Border closed until at least July 21, so us Canucks will not be there at least until after that time. I think it is becoming increasingly unlikely that we will be making a trip to Oswego this season. We are blessed to live in a County where the COVID situation is very quiet right now. Ontario is re-opening as of June 12...it will be interesting to see what happens. There was an outbreak related to a nail salon in Kingston this week that causes concern. Kingston had done extraordinarily well prior to the re-opening.
I would like to support the Speedway even if I think it's unwise for us to attend. That will likely mean the Asphaltvision option. I hope they can reschedule some of the big events they have had to cancel (ISMA, July 4) for later in the season.
I can't help but wonder why the Speedway's application to open on July 4 was declined? Was it purely due to general conditions in NYS? Or was their COVID mitigation strategy inadequate? I think it would be good for speedway management to make it known to their fans what they are planning to do. The front grandstands, concession areas and bathrooms are generally very crowded. Opening the back grandstand with distancing measures has merits. Replies: