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Chief Justice Roberts Sides With Liberal Justices in Overturning Louisiana Anti-Abortion Law

In a recent Supreme Court decision, Chief Justice John Roberts voted with the Liberal Justices in overturning a Louisiana Anti-Abortion Law.
According to the below-linked article, Roberts, in his decision, stated that the Louisiana law was pretty much identical to an earlier Texas law which was also overturned by the Supreme Court; that this set a precedent, and that the court should follow precedent.
However, over the years, it turns out that the Supreme Court has voted to overturn precedent over 200 times! (See below: https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/29/politics/supreme-court-cases-overturned-history-constitution-trnd/index.html).

[I wonder if the above, along with the Robert's position on the Supreme Court's DACA decision (See below: https://www.npr.org/2020/06/18/829858289/supreme-court-upholds-daca-in-blow-to-trump-administration), is an indication that the Chief Justice could be leaning towards a more liberal stance].

Chief Justice Roberts Cites Precedent in Overturning Louisiana Anti-Abortion Law

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