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Disaster has struck! (Meet Our Site-Wide Plot!)

Disaster has struck!

Moladion's peace has been broken!

North of Moladion, intense flooding has been happening for a number of weeks. This flooding has made the watertable rise, and as the flooding subsides in the north, it spreads elsewhere instead. With too much water in the ground and in the underground water channels, the natural springs of Moladion are becoming overwhelmed, intensified by the floodwaters traveling down the riverways that feed into the Ruieze River from the north-west.

In Taviora, the natural springs in the area have become overwhelmed, inundating many of the pack's valleys with water. The land is saturated and more unstable, small landslides have sent trees and mud tumbling into the water below. Prey animals have fled the area in search of safety and clean drinking water is hard to come by, with much of the water being dark and muddy. The water is dangerous too, with swathes of toppled trees, rocks and hidden currents lurking below. Flash-flooding can occur at any moment, making being close to the water risky. However, for the most part, the pack is still livable with many of the hills still above the waterline, ocassionally with interconnecting land or natural bridges of trees and debris.

From Taviora, the water drains out towards Mecor Valley, where the spring-fed lake is already bursting its banks. The lake has risen by several meters, effectively filling a portion of the crater. Although the water is quite stagnant and cleaner than Taviora's, the valley's slopes are dangerous with loose rocks and wet soil. Predators and prey alike are lured in by the water and abundent vegetation. Towards the south of the valley, the water begins to grow restless, pouring into the Crags and Grotto in a series of powerful waterfalls.

Thankfully, the grotto seems to divert much of the floodwater so that Ruieze Fields remains much the same, with only a slight increase in the river's depths and the diminishment of the island. However, the Grotto is nearly completely flooded with only the top level of rocks present. Susil Crags is similar, with many of the lower paths underwater. Wolves can still traverse the area but it is difficult, with some areas being nothing more than the tips of the rocky peaks sticking out of the water. The water is mostly slow flowing but picks up speed near the grotto before becoming a series of intense rapids and waterfalls leading to the grotto's entrance - think of it like a giant drain.

Iromar is spared, with much of the water concerntrated in the crags and grotto. However, the pack will feel an increase in water nonetheless, particularly towards the south where the tides pushes in. However, it is Glorall that feels the brunt of the flooding due to the rivercourse. The large tides, combined with the increase in water draining from the Ruieze River, has flooded the lower regions of the pack. The sandy soil combined with the water has toppled a lot of trees, making traveling difficult even when the water is shallower. The daily tides seems to keep the flood-level up, too. During low-tide, a wolf might be able to move around (though with some difficulty) but during high-tide, the pack is increasingly hard to travel around. Sticking to the tall dunes is possible, or living on the island, but it's not easy to live in the pack territory itself.

Diveen will experience slight flooding to the south, where the pack borders Glorall. The pack's position prevents much damage, though they may experience an influx of predator and prey escaping from those flooded areas. Spirane will notice more water to their south, but thankfully the pack's streams and the Aplos River are fed through different springs and through Spirane's snow, saving the mountain pack from much of the flooding and retaining the integrity of their shared border with Iromar. Asteraia escapes much of the flooding, with little impact on the land itself beyond new, shallow pools of water within the territory.

However, wolves may find themselves unable to travel as freely as they once did. With Moladion effectively flooded down the centre, travel between the north and south is difficult. What natural bridges span the flooding are perilous and risky, being only dams of debris and fallen trees that could break at any moment. Without using these bridges, however, it is only possible to travel north-to-south by traveling west of Spirane before traveling north to Enocra Woodlands.

So, what's happening?!

Taviora and Glorall are closed as packs for the time being, meaning they cannot be challenged for.
Wolves living in Taviora and Glorall are considered pack-wolves, but are now under the same rules as loners when it comes to stealing, breeding and so forth.
All posts within Glorall and Taviora must stay true to the disaster situation, as do all posts made within impacted territories and free-lands.
Frequent travel between the north and south is limited and difficult, and disaster (or surprises!) may strike those wolves who attempt to pass.

Disasters may include predators or situational prompts, such as a bridge breaking or flash flood.
Surprises may include in-game prizes, such as Custom Stats or game points.
All boards and packs will reopen once 25 posts have been completed on the board (although Staff may open some boards early -- or keep them closed! -- if they deem it fit!)


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