If you haven't registered for the board yet, send me an email at rgunther@twcny.rr.com with the user name and password you want to use and we'll get things set up for you....but if for some reason I don't recognize your email or name, I'll be emailing you back for more info before putting your username in place.
Re(1): Border Closure IP: Posted on July 15, 2020 at 10:47:48 AM by GWN
All's well in the Ottawa valley, Murray. At present, we only have one known active case of COVID in Renfrew County. I agree that it's looking like a trip to Oswego for Canadians is becoming more unlikely. I think that given the situation, it's best to keep the border closed. I'm hoping we can watch the Sandusky Classic on-line, but assume Canadian teams won't be there. Replies: