Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board. POSTS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS OR THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD. Banners at top of page cannot be blocked but are not part of the page. BOB BOWLES
Re(1): White Admiral Butterfly Question?

Hi Bonnie; Butterflies usually don't change colour as they get older. They may become dull and worn lacking the bright colours but usually not a change in colour. White Admirals are common in this area white Red-spotted Purple, a subspecies of the White Admiral that is at the north part of its range here. The two subspecies sometimes form hybrids with features of both. Red-spotted Purples have blue upper forewings and White Admiral have black upper forewings with a white line. Either have brown wings and if you mix black and blue, you don't really get brown. Your brown admiral may come from the fact that we had really warm to extremely hot days a few weeks ago which has caused colour changes in some butterflies that have a fall form. The brown may be from the hot days when it was in the pupae stage. Do you have photos?


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