The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

dark mirror

Faolain offers a satisfied nod at the steel-grey mare’s confirmation. The fact that she knows of the Commons tells Faolain that she is not here on accident, and that hopefully she seeks what the black mare can offer. It also tells Faolain that should she decline to accompany her to the Ridge, she is at least not unprepared for the dangers of this place should the Guardian leave her here alone. She knows it is not her responsibility to protect every stray soul, and she has been the type to mind her own business without exception most of her life, but things have changed since coming to the Ridge. It is hard to stand by if another is in danger, real or perceived, and she is relieved to know that this particular danger is largely of Faolain’s own perception as an outsider.

No sooner has the grulla mare spoken than they are joined by another, a spotted stallion who stands taller than either of them. Faolain notices the immediate softening of the other mare’s features, and the young stallion’s words confirm their familiarity. Though he is not particularly cordial with her, Faolain offers a small smile. ”Fearghas,” she repeats after listening to Aallotar’s introduction. ”I apologize. It was only an invitation.” She watches as Fearghas turns to Aallotar, pledging his protection, and Aallotar in turn asking him why he stays in the Lagoon. Faolain has heard of the Lagoon, but knows little of it aside from the negative associations. Fearghas does not seem like the type of stallion she would expect to find in the Lagoon, even with her limited knowledge, and she cocks her head to him in a cat-like expression of curiosity. She has questions about the Lagoon - she has for some time, and no one available to ask - but she does not think this is the time to ask them, despite her burning curiosity.

When Aallotar asks if the Lagoon stallion can accompany them, her dark eyes return to the grulla mare and she nods once again. ”I understand,” she says. Fearghas does seem like a good soul, just from this very brief impression; fiercely protective, while still respectful of Aallotar’s wants and needs. It is a quality she admires, and one that is especially valuable in a stallion, when so many of them could be ignorant at best, downright cruel at worst. ”The Ridge’s borders are open, and Fearghas is welcome to come,” she says with a smile, her expression softening slightly from its usual blank expression. She turns her attention to the spotted stallion again before continuing. ”Your intentions seem genuine, and admirable. I don’t know anything about the Lagoon, but if you are unhappy there, you are welcome in the Ridge. Are you allowed to leave?” It is the one question she feels is appropriate to ask, and as she waits for his response she turns back to Aallotar. ”I hope neither of you mind birds. It’s the only nuisance about winter; all the other islands’ birds fly to Atlantis.”

guardian of the Ridge


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