The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

There is no honor among theives (Claim)

OOC: Will get better! Rushed this post! X3

The commons were becoming an every day occurrence. He watched the coming and goings of the natives as he waits for another Lone stallion to emerge from the sea. He last claim had gone marvelously well so it would it be bad for him to think it could happen again? Golden ears perk at the sound of a disturbance in the waves. Cullen spots the bay stallion from across the field and quickly picks up a canter towards him. He knows nothing of this next male he was about to claim except what he could tell from the outside.

He was older than Varanduil so he hopes this meant he would have more experience packed under his skin. More stallions with more experience could just be the edge he needs over the Peak. His pace doesn't let up the closer he gets. Cullen doesn't stop until he is inches from the stranger's face with his hot breath blowing on the other. This is when he sees something in those blazing eyes of his. "You look like you're on a mission," he says just before reaching over and placing his claiming nip on the male's shoulder.

For the first time in this meeting, a grin spreads over his lips. "You are apart of my band now." Cullen speaks with confidence as his blue eyes search the stallion's face. His bachelors wouldn't know it unless they saw his treatment of mares first hand, but he was much gentler with them. Having causal conversations, plotting with them, and helping them grow stronger. He had plans for this stallion just like he had plans for Nagendra, Varanduil, Fearghas, and anyone else who joins him. None of them knew it yet, but they would be making more waves on these islands. Together.


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