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Box Score

Box Score: 55th Annual Star Classic 125 Sept. 19, 2020:
1. Jon McKennedy (79), 2. Jeff Abold (05), 3. Mike Ordway Jr. (61), 4. Otto Sitterly (7), 5. Chris Perley (11), 6. Timmy Jedrzekjek (97), 7. Dan Bowes (25), 8. Ryan Locke (37), 9. Jamie Timmons (27), 10. Dan Connors (01), 11. Alison Sload (39), 12. Dave Danzer (52), 13. AJ Lesiecki (88), 14. Dave Duggan (51), 15. Joey Payne (14), 16. Rich Reid (5R), 17. Kyle Edwards (11E), 18. Ken White (77), 19. Michael McVetta (22), 20. Bobby Chartier (29), 21. Bob Timmons (13), 22. Aric Iosue (75), 23. Brandon Bellnger (02), 24. Russ Wood (9), 25. Mike Netishen (55).
McKennedy picked up the $1000 halfway bonus donated by Shea Concrete Products, Sitterly pocketed the Fast Time award (10.893) of $200 sponsored by Radical Race Gear. The ISMA Hard Charger award, sponsored by Baker Detailing, went to Ryan Locke and the Last Car Running $100 donated by the 4th Turn Crazies, went to the Rich Reid.

Top 12 time trialers who redrew for top 12 spots in lineup:
(Star Track Record 10.583 held by Brian Wood)
1. Otto Sitterly 10.893, 2. Jeff Abold 10.961, 3. Jon McKennedy 10.971, 4. Mike Ordway 11.109, 5. Russ Wood 11.148, 6. Chris Perley 11.246, 7. Kyle Edwards 11.249, 8. Dan Bowes 11.265, 9. Rich Reid 11.336, 10. Jamie Timmons 11.462, 11. Dan Connors 11.463, 12 Bobby Chartier 11.463.


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