The Lost Islands

wild eyed lady in red

Siobhan's time on Tinuvel has been fraught with a bubbling mixture of complicated emotions. Regardless of how much she wanted to simply write Bjorn off as cruel and heartless, a small part of her had continued to hold out hope that the old version of him would somehow return. That one day he would swim back from the commons and see her, truly see her, and transform into the man she had fallen for. The one that wouldn't stand to see her here shivering day after day, bidden to follow along in Nyimara's footsteps and serve as the witch's bedwarmer each time that he was away.

But that day had never come. She still woke each day and hated where she was. She hated missing her daughters. Hated knowing that this child would grow up without Ailill being there to care for them. This, more than anything, struck at the core of her. Having found a man that was the epitome of everything she had ever hoped to find in a companion, only to be ripped away from them was hard enough. But knowing that she couldn't share that self-same man with the child that they had created together was devastating.

Tavas' outburst about Nyimara earns a surprised chuckle from the red mare and her head bobs in agreement. She would waste no time mourning the silver-haired bitch when she finally died. "No, don't be," she hastens to reassure the palomino. Nyimara had no friends here as far as she could tell.

Tavas goes on to explain her relation to the land that they stood upon, and Siobhan thinks back to what Ysabel has already told her of the situation with Bjorn. She is halfway to asking her new friend if she had any relation to Ysabel when the bomb is dropped. Knowing that this mare had come from the one place that she longed to be was a painful reminder of her incarceration, but her lips flutter in a reflexive smile at Tavas's instruction. Woodenly, her own name rises to her lips. "Siobhan."

It takes her a moment to regain her smile, and when it does return, it is not quite enough to erase the pain in her eyes. "He is." She gestures stiffly toward the Cove, where the mare had been headed already. "I believe that is where the previous residents went when Warsaw took over."

She falls quiet for a moment, as thought debating the pros and cons of what she wants desperately to ask her, but finally lifts her gaze again. "If its not too much to ask..." Her lips purse as she considers, but her desire overrides her caution and the words spill out faster. "If you do make it back to the Ridge, would you mind telling him that I miss him? And let him know I am okay."

Her tail brushes anxiously over her hocks and she shakes her head slightly as though to brush off her request despite the naked desire in her voice. "You don't have to of course. I'm sure the last thing you want to do now is travel, but if you go that way in the future, I would be indebted to you." Siobhan's gaze rises hopefully back to Tavas, her breath stilled as she waited for her response.

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