Re(1): 23rd Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Carlisle Trost remembered for love of family, integrity Posted on 10/27/2020 at 14:48:44 by Pete Easton 9th
Kathy and I were so sad to see that Carl had made his last dive. We first got to know him when I was Defense/Naval Attaché to Singapore and he was COMSEVENTHFLEET. He and Pauline loved to visit as Singapore was such a nice place to relax. He treated us as we were family and I have some tales to tell but not publicly. We ran into them in later years at a home football game or when they were at their Sandbridge home.
Many years ago someone said that Carl was the only submariner that could surface and still tell port from starboard!! A great Naval Officer who will be missed. Bless his family Replies: There have been no replies.