Presidential Polls Posted on 10/27/2020 at 15:00:53 by John Wells
I’s like somebody—not connected with the news media—to explain why this pandemic makes Trump unqualified to serve as president for four more years. He had the economy booming before this thing hit, reacted in accordance with the best advice he got from the scientific community (until we had Democrat vs. Republican doctors and scientists), got the necessary equipment to fight the pandemic, returned the armed forces to logistic and combat readiness, lowered taxes, cut regulations, built a border wall that’s effectively lowered illegal immigration, had foreign policy successes, and promoted a booming economy with low unemployment. Yes, he’s not a politician and “isn’t presidential” according to Washington professionals—that’s the reason he was elected. All the while, the Socialist-Democrats supported seditionists rioting in the streets while destroying small businesses and defunding police. The result: Joe Biden, a proven crooked liar and professional politician who’s been on the wrong side of civil rights, is leading in the polls. God help us! We ain’t smart enough to fend for ourselves. Replies: There have been no replies.