The Lost Islands

I don't really like myself without you

He stays very close to his daughter with blue eyes glaring at the large Lagoon stallion. There was no way he was going to allow this roan stallion to stalk around his home any longer. The stallion was a big threat to his herd and there was no way if knowing just how experienced he was at fighting. He looked older and that was enough to keep Ironclad worried. The stallion quickly turns around and cocks a hoof as if to strike him, but he is saved by the stallion's sudden stumble. The sound of others approaching quickly grabs their attention.

Lace. A small smirk tugs at his lips as she arrives and guides herself to Lakota's side. She aids the filly in attempting to guide her from danger.There was a hushed sound of hoof beats in the distance traveling away from this growing group along with a slightly familiar scent, but Ironclad had no time to investigate right now. His focus returns to Panzer who was now thundering off from the expanding group of Inlet foes. He stomps a hoof of good riddance, but his attention is quickly pulled behind him. He turns just in time to see Lakota dashing off. "Lakota!" He yells to try to grab her attention, but the filly never stops.

Ironclad then glances over to see Valka, the small mare of the Bay, standing near the rotting corpse. He wish he could say she was coming to help him, but he barely knew anything about the foreign mare. She wouldn't help him anyway considering their recent past. Medusa was walking over to Valka so he pushes the small mare out of his mind and focuses on Lace. "We need to find Lakota and calm her down." He trusts his second Queen would be up to the task considering keeping the foals safe was part of her new job description. With a heavy sigh (and a sudden throbbing head), Ironclad dashes off in the direction his daughter fled.
three- stallion- mutt- grey (smoky cream)- warsaw x vita nova- inlet's leader- twin to letavice- played by tay

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