Re(1): Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count Posted on December 12, 2020 at 02:56:57 PM by Bob Bowles
This is an update for the Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count that will be held on Saturday, January 2, 2021.
I now have 12 teams comprising of either one or two but up to three participants if in the same bubble. I will need to divide the areas within the count circle into smaller sections. I still need people with feeders within the count circle to monitor their feeder that day and count bird species and numbers visiting during the day. Feeder counters will comprise of people living within the house at the feeder location and will probably be only one person but everyone within the house can take part so feeder counter teams may have more than just one or two people. Let me know the location of your feeder and that you want to take part in the count well before count day. The count this year will be very different from past counts over the last 21 years. Replies: