Re(2): Bringing Back Some Old Memories Posted on 1/9/2021 at 00:47:55 by Ed Tipshus
As a member 1st Bn (2nd Co). We formed on the terrace betweeenn 1st & 3rd wing Facing yqrd tennis courts & Tecumseh . At attention we got orders right and left sidestep. aligned ourselves, then forward march we did a Column Left towards Bancroft Hall an followed the parade into Bancroft Hall, Do not remember we entered into top front doors of Bancroft Hall Rotiunda, but recall next it was into Smoke Hall them in back down marble heavily edge worn steps down intio messhall, and dispersed to table assignments. BTW those worn down marble edge steps ware replaced or repaired sometime after graduatuion when major renovation of Mother B in 60s 70s.
We took abiut an hour or so. once inside we got "Ar Ease March". I renmember 1/C year I got fried by CDR "Twitch" for going into at ease March before everyone else.
'Twitch had an odd habit of slight ly jerking his chin out like his collar was bothering him Replies: