Re(6): Class Support for New Alumni Center Posted on 1/12/2021 at 21:33:12 by Pete Schoeffel
Dick--I frequently disagree (silently) with your posts, but I think you nailed it, and I think Ham Caldwell would agree with you, too. Among the spam phone calls I ignore are those ID'd as "Go Navy."
One of my squadron mates who went on to commission and command the Nimitz and achieved flag rank, was Brian Compton. When the squadron I commanded was about to depart his ship, he called me to his office for a nice goodbye. One of the pieces of advice he gave was to look out for people operating with "the titty principle." That was look out for people always wanting to be on some titty. These "fund raisers" are strong employers of the "titty principle." Replies: There have been no replies.