The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is not allowed here. This is a peaceful, neutral area meant for socialising.

a companion shortens the road


At first, Fearghas isn't able to read the emotion on the dark stranger's face. He's trying so hard to see the calculating underline of Cullen's influence that he isn't entirely sure what to make of the shock that he sees instead. The man had offered no response beyond a simple head shake to the spotted boy's inquiry, and his suspicion had begun to crackle. The odds of anyone living on these islands not knowing of the Lagoon seemed infinitesimal to the young Savanna lead, given that the majority of his time had been dictated by the tides of the muddy land and the men that resided in it.

For a long moment, the two of them stare at each other without moving; It is only when the dark stallion begins to speak again that some of Fearghas' suspicion begins to ebb away and he sighs in relief. The smile is somewhat slower to return, but as his companion's faltering answer slips out, it becomes more clear to Fearghas that this man was likely telling the truth. Anyone this gentle and sweet was more likely to have been eaten alive by the Lagoon than to have counted among its ranks.

"Well thats summat, not knowing the Lagoon." Fearghas snorted softly and shook his head. "Ye might go sae far as tae even call it a privilege."

He lapses into silence for a moment before cautiously addressing the most interesting part of his dark companion's response. "Someone ye may know, aye?" Lifting his head, the spotted stallion shifts to face Lukasz more, instead of standing side by side. "'An how is it ye might know Bozena, then?"

Despite his caution, the potential to have a friend who also thought highly of Bozena was alluring. Fearghas had found nothing but kindness and support in the mare, despite her somewhat brusque way of dealing with things. Neither Rade nor Varanduil seemed over-fond of her, but Fearghas remained staunchly a supporter. If there was ever a mare that deserved to lead the Peak maidens, it was certainly Bozena. And for that reason, he intended to fully vet this man before he gave away any further news of her whereabouts or status. It was the least he could do after everything she had done to support him.
stallion . 4 years . 16.1 hands . smoky black blanket . loveinspired . credit


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