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Looking for 3 Wen stories: dream variations on a theme, improv poem, & All the Sooner

I have fallen in love with the author Wen and have worked to collect as much of her stories as possible, even though her site mostly does not work in regards to her XF work, and that she’s not really archived anywhere else that I can tell. There are 3, possibly four, stories I know she’s written but which I cannot find anywhere and I’ve tried!

First, in case anyone wants any of the following, I’ve been able to get ahold of the following 23 stories from wen and would be happy to share. (1) all the softest shades of blue, (2) broken bliss, (3) Dipped In Black, (4) Empty Voices, (5) Flower Petals Pressed Beneath My Skin & One Petal Falls Free, (6) it could be sweet, (7) Nabokov's Butterflies, (8) ordinary things, (9) Parting The Sea, (10) psychomanteum, (11) Pure Desire, (12) Resilience (Incomplete as I don’t think she ever finished more than part 1), (13) Sfumato, (14) slice of light, (15) Someone Else's Daughter, (16) The Ariadne Thread, (17) the frailty was bent, (18) the last drop of snow or, Christmas lights, (19) this tremble, (20) umbrella, (21) Waiting, (22) Watercolor Stains, (23) Wen & Perelandra – in cold blood

BUT, I am aware of these next ones and CANNOT find/access them (and am including the link where it’s supposed to be but where I cannot access through WebArchive unless I’m doing it wrong). So, I am looking for: (1) Wen’s "dream variations on a theme" which is supposed to be here: http://web.archive.org/web/20040301052448fw_/http://grapefruithead.com/wen/fic/dreamvar.txt; (2) Wen’s "improv poem” which is supposed to be here: http://web.archive.org/web/20040301052448fw_/http://grapefruithead.com/wen/fic/improvpoem.txt; (3) Wen’s All the Sooner which was referenced here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tv.x-files.creative/c/atJfPMRPXUE/m/VYIpk1fA97QJ but when I go to that archive, I can’t access anything.

Also, I have Wen’s The Parting Sea, but in this thread here (https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tv.x-files.creative/c/uuj3jn-IT-M/m/i-WyX3nztIAJ) 2 people referred to a story by Wen called “The Sea Parted.” Did those two people just get the title wrong since it's pretty close to "The Parting Sea", or did she also write a story called “The Sea Parted”? If she did, I’d love to have that one too!

Since there is the possibility I haven’t mastered Webarchive, here are her two old sites: http://grapefruithead.com/wen/ and http://luperkal.simplenet.com/wen/ although the majority of her stories used to be found at this link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021003200453/http://grapefruithead.com/wen/lookhere.htm. She also had http://www.littlewingedwark.com/ BUT that was more for her graphic artist work, and I found nothing XF related.
Also, in Alt X Creative forum, I searched using all of her old emails: NocturneWhirls@phreaker.net, falling_light@softhome.net, emptytuilerie@aol.com, nocturne@phreaker.net, nocturne@mailandnews.com, PaprHearts@hong-kong.crosswinds.net, brokenbliss@hotmail.com, and while doing so helped me get the 23 stories I do have, I still couldn’t find the other 3 I want.

Also, if anyone has any other story from her that is not mentioned above because I've totally missed, please do let me know! Her writing has blown me away.


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