The Lost Islands

Hold your breath;



Did she? Though her icy eyes did not change, and the mare lifted her chin slightly, her shoulders still weighed heavily from the amount of regrets she carried upon her back. She knew one day the burden would be too much, and she would collapse and be smothered by the things she had done. But if she succumbed to them now, what would she have ever accomplished? The warrioress could only give thanks to her ancestors for her strength to carry on now, even when things seemed so bleak.

“We cannot grow and learn, if there are not regrets.” Xiomara replied. “I would not take mine back.” Even if she still dreamed of waking up on the warm sands of Atlantis with Angel and Ofelia laying next to her. The smell of their scents often followed her into the waking world, but despite the ache in her heart, she did not try to find them. Xiomara could not bare for them to witness the violence she had wrought, nor the insanity that filled her eyes when she felt such pleasure when playing her hand in the destruction.

With her blue eyes piercing into his, Xiomara stepped closer to the young stallion until the warmth of their breath mingled. “Though my mind wanted to punish you for your betrayals, my heart will not allow it.” the mare whispered. “I only came to tell you that you do not have to worry about me as your neighbor. Peace will remain on this Island as I have chosen not to challenge Solomon for his throne.” Reaching out her pink lips, she only meant to lightly brush them along the lines of his face in a gentle caress before she pulled away, and began to walk away in the same tracks that she had arrived in.

Mutt - Blue Roan - 15.2 hh - Olaf x Xina - Frost

html & art © erin | character © frost


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