The Lost Islands

I don't really like myself without you

I don't really like myself without you
Only a week has passed since they found Zwei, but the weight still weighs heavy on his heart. He has not talked to his sister since that day, convinced her worships were beginning to be the downfall of his herd. She had driven Kvothe away, a memory that still pains him to this day. The event may have inadvertently driven Pikle away as well and now it threatens the standing of the rest of his herd. Sweet Arael didn't say much about it, but he could see the wear on Lace's face. Even Medusa seemed upset, but without asking her personally he could be mistaken. One thing he was positive of was the negative impact Claymore was now having with Brunhild's choices. Claymore would not speak to their sibling no matter how many times she tries to apologize for her mistake. Brunhild just kept chanting how wrong she was in picking Rougaru blood...whatever that meant. He didn't understand any of it no matter how many times his sister tried to explain it to him. She had tried so many times to get him to see her way of thinking.

She tried to get him to do other things too, but he wasn't having it. Too much drama had already surfaced in his short life time he wasn't about to take on any more willingly. Ironclad had a knack of bringing mare drama on to himself, especially when it came to Xiomara, but since the multiple heartbreaks he had begun to wise up. No longer would he chase after silly dreams. There were a few that may stay a part of his life, but many had been dropped for his own sanity. One was put on hold as the other is currently fully in his control just as he wanted it to be. He would focus on the small herd he had here and building those relationships to be strong and unbreakable before he did any more. One step at a time. It all seemed like a good plan until the recent threat on his home came about. Amongst figuring out what to do with Brunhild he now must figure out how to keep the Inlet in his control. This place was meant for his bloodline and it would stay in his bloodline if he had any say over it. Keeping the Inlet meant more to him than winning the kingship of Tinuviel.

A deep sigh leaves his lungs as heavy eyes look over his land. Ironclad has not slept well the last few nights, but it was important he didn't get lax in his normal duties. He moves closer to the herd and it surprised to see his son returning to the group with Brunhild at his side. They part ways as Ironclad glares at his sister from across the herd , but he tries to hide it from Wro. The colt was too young to understand all the drama going on. He didn't need to know. The longer he could keep his children happy in their bliss, the longer he could share in their happiness. He smiles largely at his spotted son bounces towards him. Ironclad doesn't spot Lace at first as she goes to confront his sister. It wasn't until he hear their voices over the small crowd that he pushes his son closer to the group and picks up a trot over.

He doesn't hear all the exchange of words between them, but he could tell there was tension building. Both mares did not look happy. He only hears the last of Lace's words to Brunhild. He knew this was coming eventually and he still wasn't sure what to do. This was his blood sister, his full blooded sister. He already lost his parents and his twin brother, but now he might have to lose his sister too. Frustration covers his face as he listens and watches them argue. Something Brunhild says takes it too far. He couldn't take it any longer! His hoof stomps. "Enough!" He steps closer to Lace with cold eyes glaring at his sister. "I think it is time you leave...and never come back."
stallion - mutt - gray (smoky cream) - 16hh - warsaw x vita nova - inlet lead – played by tay

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