The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

there is no honor among thieves Claim

Rade x Cherish
Hill's Golden Leader

A monster always had to be on the lookout for a new victim. His belly was still hungry for more especially with his recent failure. The age in his bones were becoming more significant as the days went on, but somehow the atmosphere of Salem helps dull the ache. The warmth of the sand, the few storms, his body didn't ache nearly as bad as it had living on the main island. The swim to the commons was brutally cold. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make as long as he found something interesting to stake a claim on. With nothing at home to play with he was in need of entertainment.

It didn't take long for Cullen to light that fire in his belly. Between the crowds of desperate stallions talking to lone mares he spots an old friend. The last time he saw Collision Course they had broke put into a physical fight. Cullen had made it clear to the stallion they were no longer brothers and he had no intentions of going back to the time the black overo stood loyally beside him. Those days were long gone. Cullen wants to squash his past life entirely.

Obviously, this could be the starting point. The stallion's head lowers as his ears pin tightly to the back of his skull. Cullen moves like a snake through the crowds, trying to avoid being seen by the stallion until he had no choice. Cullen bursts out from behind the last horse, charging towards Collision. Teeth aim to make the stallion's shoulder with a violent nip. "Hell is waiting for you at the Hills." Cullen's glaring eyes never leave the dark colored stallion as he begins to drive the stallion to his new home. A place where he no longer had the freedom to leave his side.

there is no honor among theives
Mutt - 19 - Palomino Minimal Overo - 15.2hh
html © riley | image © dirge | charater © tay


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