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Re(4): Bring ISMA Back on Classic Sat.

I am not sure how they promote the Speedway but no advertising or sports reports ever in the Northern part of the state and there are at least two speedway competitors North of Watertown. I live north of Watertown not far from the bridge to Canada. Years past we would see a clip on TV channels about the speedway and events. The newspapers carry no story or wrap up from the speedway and this is free press. There are several of us that go to the speedway regularly and wonder why no promotion is done up here. The only press we have seen in years is when Vern Lafave got burned last year in the 350 class. We have cable TV and watch the central NY channels and I do not ever see a film clip or much said about the Speedway or the Biggest event Classic Weekend. However DIRT week is advertised everywhere. Must be the DIRT organization believes in promoting the large events with Big Payouts.


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