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Re(3): Top Wing Races at Oswego

This was the facebook post:

To all the supermodified teams and fans.....Oswego Speedway will be running a 3 race topwing series next season. ISMA, MSS and Oswego will all be participating together, there will also be a point fund for the top 10 for these 3 races. Still a work in progress but we're thinking, $40,000 purses, $5,000 to win and $1,200 to start and a $10,000 to $15,000 point fund for the top 10, after the 3 races....we plan on a full field of cars and we'd like to see a great crowd support the effort by Oswego Speedway and the many sponsors that have committed to make this a win, win for all the teams and fans. Save the dates!!!!!
June 4th,
July 9th, and
August 13th.


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