The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Kohelet’s confused reaction to the water Fell had sprayed into the cold air prompted a silent chuckle from him. He really hadn’t meant to spit at her, but he also hadn’t entirely thought through his plan to demonstrate rain, and had sorely overestimated his ability to control the mouthful of water as it left his lips.

His yellow-gold eyes watched her face as realization dawned tentatively. ‘Did it rain a lot?’ she asked, and Fell nodded patiently. His temper flared easily when trying to communicate, but this was turning out to be a far less irritating guessing game. Kohelet actually seemed to want to understand him, and that added substantially to his otherwise limited patience.

‘Were you from the Lagoon?’ she asked then, and Fell shook his head in disgust. His dark brow furrowed and his ears turned back, but not out of frustration with Kohelet for the question, just out of distaste for the bachelor territory of the Crossing. He was still holding onto his grudge with Frey after their altercation in the Commons.

‘Or, no, was it Atlantis somewhere?’ she guessed next. Fell’s ears flipped forward and his eyes brightened a bit, although he was nervous just as much as excited for her to have guessed correctly. It was thrilling to have someone find out things about him from him personally, but he was well aware of the tension between Solomon and Rougaru, and was anxious for the moment either of them discovered that Fell himself was the son of the Wolf King. Still, he nodded calmly, trying to hide his mixed emotions.
stallion. 16hh. black. marwari x. Rougaru x visurix.


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