The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

Kohelet was torn by his reaction to the Lagoon, not because she was unhappy that he had denied association with the bachelors, but because getting anything wrong in regards to Fell felt like a personal failing on her part. Thankfully, he nods in answer to her second question about Atlantis and she brightened again, her dark lips curling into another smile.

The Cove daughter didn't know a lot about Atlantis, but her father had lectured her enough times about their allies and enemies on the jungle island that she had a working understanding of the island. Of their allies, she knew that once upon a time, Faolain and Rivaini had ruled the Ridge, and that Xiomara ruled the Shore. Now, Xiomara lived in the Cove and both Faolain and Rivaini had disappeared from the islands. Supposedly Fritjof still ruled the Shore with Kohelet's older sister Halcyon, but she honestly wasn't sure what their current situation was.

What she was certain of, was that Rougaru and Paradise were both considered enemies, and that according to her father, Vihar, Feray and Ayzirek were held captive there.

Her head tilted as she considered the possibilities. He didn't look like Xiomara, being less draft-like than Asmodeus or Ashteroth, but he was as black as the mare Faolain. "Are you from the Ridge? Are you related to Faolain?" Sensing that it wasn't the right answer, be it from his expression or some deeper, gut instinct, she frowned and shook her head. "No... the Harbor maybe?"

She had no idea who ruled the Harbor in the wake of Marzanna and Flyns disappearances, so it was a valid possibility. Even so, a growing pool of unease was making her stomach flip anxiously and as she studied his face for any other answers, she found herself growing more and more certain of what the true answer was. Far more quietly than either of her earlier guesses, so quiet it was barely audible in the small clearing, she made her next guess. "You're from Paradise, aren't you?"

Kohelet fiercely tamped down any reaction she might have had to her assumption, burying it beneath her adoration of Fell and a desperate, consuming desire to believe in her own happily ever after. Until he confirmed it, she wouldn't even stomach the cacophony of what-ifs that would haunt her in the minutes, hours, and days that followed.
Mare // Two // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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