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Re(1): Re(1):Repubs Just Wanna Stay in Power

Babies become babies after they're born.

Only politicians, their volunteers, and donors should take on the personal identity of a political party.

The rest of us are just voters. Many who vote dem are really just anti Republicans which stand for wealth, property, and power. Many are single issue against what Repubs choose to stand for in order to get enough votes to win--like Bible Thumpers, gun nuts, nationalistic patriots, and racists. Their donor class for which they manipulate public policy is the wealthy class.

They couldn't care less about abortion or even guns but they need those voting blocks to win. And they must lie to the poor and working class to assure they never find out that the wealthy and their political parties' objective is actually to pick their pockets!

Most of those against abortion at any age of gestation, are religious based. My view is that if the Christian god was as serious about abortion as the pro life crowd, s/he/it would have been much more specific in naming abortion as a taboo. In fact, it would appear that God either allows or chooses to abort/miscarry imperfect fetuses since they just don't manage to survive to birth term.

Finally my view of the relgious is that their time is better spent following Jesus more specific teachings like about service to the poor, avoiding judgment, being giving, and not preoccupied with aquiring wealth.

But instead the pro-life zealots seem to care more about fetuses than about those after birth in need of a helping hand.

I came to the conclusion that women WILL abort for certain reasons and it's better to have it legal and professionally done than underground and too often botched.

I know of a century old case where a woman with two young children chose an abortion that was botched; she died of a uterine hemmorage, leaving two kids behind. I suspect the love was gone in her marriage and she didn't want more children in a bad relationship, just based on how things turned out in that case. It would have been better had she survived to raise her first two children since the widower didn't stick around to raise his children. Then there are cases of people pregnant due to rape, incest, a young age. Who is better to decide to continue a pregnancy--the female herself, or the government by law?

I do find it contradictory that Republicans are very intrusive on what women can and can't decide, yet they are otherwise a hands-off libertarian party of less intrusion in people's lives!

So I responded...now YOU respond to mine.


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