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Re(4): Claremont Aug 26 ISMA Show Cancelled

Eaglesnest - You are so Right. This is the Biggest Super Modified race in the country and as of this Sunday evening where is the promoting for this race. I have not even seen a story on the Oswego Web-site. There is some twitter info - but how do you draw new fans or periodic fans without getting the message out. I personally do not get it. Something has to be going on. Anyone who owned a speedway such as The famed Oswego Speedway would want success at the gate. Not just at Classic but the entire racing season. I did miss 2 shows at the speedway this season - but each show I was at, the stands were about 35-40 full at best. And the best crowds were at the 3 Wing Shows with the stands less than half full. I should clarify - when I talk stands, I am talking the front stands only. The rear stands were totally empty.


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