The Lost Islands

drag my teeth across your chest


"It's okay sweetheart, they are family."

Una doesn't know what it means, but it sounds nice. Her mother's words are warm and gentle, like a cozy blanket and it makes her feel safe. With a kick of her narrow legs she flips onto her side. Though her legs are becoming more and more nimble with every passing moment she still struggles to get back up from her spot in the grass. Desperately Una gums at her dam's tail as she tugs her way up until she is standing again. She briefly brushes her small muzzle against her hind leg in thanks before turning back to her father.

He seems unreasonably tall when she is so small, and she thinks that her parents must be giants. Perhaps even the biggest in the world! He does not speak the way her mother does and she cocks her head to look at him. He seems to be struggling with something, as far as she can tell. She looks to her mother with a crinkle of her brow, ears flicking out to the side as if to showcase her confusion. He remains silent but she tentatively takes another peek at him.


There it is. That word again. Whispered and scratchy, but that word all the same. Una squeals and thumps her small tail against her flanks in excitement. She leaps forward with renewed vigor as if hearing her name was all it took to give her the bravery she needed. A few prancing steps are all it takes to reach him and she is far bolder than before. There is no tentative sniff, no startled sneeze, and no tumbling back into the grass. She presses her forehead against his chest and takes a deep breath. Her parents each had very different scents but they had one thing in common. They both feel like home.

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