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Donostia, second day of the Grand Slam.

I got lazy, as they say in Mexico. Yesterday the show ended late, the games were extended and this morning it left me without realizing it. But here I am to comment on some impressions about yesterday's games at Carmelo Balda.

The results? Already published there.

First match Goiko-Gorka vs Barandika-Zabala. 14-15, 15-10, 5-4
Second game. Johan-Lopez vs Erik-Lekerika. 10-15, 12-15

The chronicle headline? I will reveal it later. It refers to the main protagonist of the second game...

Both long games, fought, with a great level of play, especially the second.

In the first confrontation the very even score keeps us in suspense until the end. The sometimes criticized set system takes us to the last goal to determine the winner of the contest.

Without being a game of spectacular actions, the continuous rally sets the tone. The blues have it clear, dead ball, what is known as a ball that kills full-backs, and they charge the game behind, overwhelming the young man from Iparralde (Gorka Sorozabal) who defends himself as best he can. There is no clear dominator and the score is very even. Perhaps at key moments, Gorka's work piles up and he ends up losing the ball.

A 12-14 in the light suggests that the set is for the blues, but two goals in a row from the reds equalize the set. 14-14

The last goal fell on the side of the Blues when Goiko missed a ball that entered a somewhat forced backhand over his head.

The second set begins with the same tonic. Barandika-Zabala continue in their thirteen to load the game behind. The red back seems to be more established. Impudence is not lacking. There is a curious gesture that catches my attention. Every time he dunks a forehand, he stops, raises his head, and fixes his gaze on the opposing forward. It's an automatic gesture, I don't see much point in it, because from behind no matter how much you look at the opposite, the distance is too long to surprise him. The fact is that with or without a look the reds are safer on the field, Goiko without dazzling makes his game covering the front squares and rebounding forcefully from the right. And in the second part of this set the game breaks, Zabala hits several sticks with free balls, it seems that he collapses, and the reds do not forgive taking the set with relative ease. 15-10

The tiebreaker arrives and it is a heads or tails. Goiko shines with a couple of cuts that bear his stamp. He dominates the goal and when the ball lands in the front squares he enters with all the peace of mind in the world, dunks the ball, waits, and strikes the ball on the sheet without leaving a choice of response. In any case, the marker changes color from time to time. 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4

The final goal is a stick from Zabala to a free ball, recalling his famous phrase of “making the difficult easy, and the easy difficult.

Goiko-Gorka classified for the semifinals of the Donostia Grand Slam.

Second party.

And now comes riding a bike. They say that there are certain things in this life that once learned are not forgotten. For example, riding a bike, or in this case playing jai-alai. And how…

The general comment among the scholars present at the party was unanimous. Incredible, how easy it is to score, how well he knows how to be, and what a level. The Jai-Alai master class that Erik gave on the court is to take off his hat, especially if one takes into account the time he has not dressed in white. It seemed that he had been competing all year, in his place, defending compromised balls (all the rebounds go to the left wall), and finishing off when it is necessary to finish off.

At the beginning of the first set, the unknown about Erik's game remains. A good start by Johan-López makes us believe that the match is red. López behind a wall, and Johan ahead with a lot of nerve, they are dominating. But once again the unforeseen arise. López retires to the locker room and comes out with a new basket. With play stopped he throws a ball to the front wall and it goes to the top of the front wall. Oops, oops, oops, bad business, the basket hooks him. The normal thing is that being new you miss a little... We don't know what would have happened if you didn't change the basket, but it is clear that you don't play with the same comfort as having a basket already shot.

What we see next is Lekerika grown up. It seems that the more difficult they put it, the more it grows. With his back glued to the rebound, he dunks one ball after another, risking his physique and from behind he looks for the last slab of the front with his right foot from the side making Johan dance because sometimes the ball falls at his feet or other times it passes over him .

The first set is blue, 10-15. Added to Lekerika's safety at the back, Erik is a machine for scoring balls, rebounding inside and sparking any ball he goes for in the front frames. We were left with a couple of cuts wide from the inside that leave Johan pinned. He must still be thinking, where did that come from?

The most striking thing is the parsimony with which he enters the ball. That wise sentence that the aita told at home is fulfilled. "To play ball you have to have a cool head and a warm body"

The second set follows the same path but nobody thinks that we are watching a boring game. The goals are long, very rallied, to score you have to know Chinese. Usually in a goal you can see a very difficult ball dunk or see a resolution worthy of applause. But it is that in this game from time to time there are epic hauls. Baskets on the left wall, rebounds to the upper corner, run dribbles, dribble-quick, shots,...

Party level. The blues dominate on the scoreboard but a final squeeze from Johan, with heart and claw, makes up the result of the set with a final 12-15.

We are delighted with the San Sebastián pediment. The tournament is very open and next Saturday, except for Goiko-Gorka who are already classified, the rest of the competitors will have to win to get a pass to the semifinals. And seen what has been seen, nobody gives facilities.

See you!!!



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