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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(2): On the Subject of Puffballs

Thanks for the insights and good points! I wish I could see and understand the spins that are on the ball but I cannot. Perhaps the ball needs a stripe down the center, or a large dot, lol!

I normally can tell a failed pica. At least I think I can. (=

I am sure if you have played the game, which I never have obviously, or watched it for decades, you can see and know all sorts of things that layman can't.

I just defined the term in order to try to understand what I was seeing. Thank you for pointing out some nuances that I may have missed.

I do advise you to look at my examples though and see if they fall into your exceptions.

In defense of the fast body shot: I have seen it work at MC, especially when the opponent is moving the wrong way or is just past it. Now that I think about it, it is probably best avoided, so no one gets hurt.

Thanks again!


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