Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(3): On the Subject of Puffballs

Nice to hear some chalkies actually talk about shots and technique at least to some degree.
I don't watch a lot of MC (even tho I enjoy it) but I have played a lot of amateur short
court jai alai.One of the shots that is not thrown much at MC but would probably work well
is this:whenever you get a forehand in the middle of the court and a little to the right side
throw a low side arm aiming at the crack where the side wall and the front wall meet.This shot is very difficult to catch because it has a lot of spin and it is difficult to judge where it goes
depending on whether the ball hits slightly more of the side wall or the front wall.More often than not it "jams" the frontcourter trying to catch it and the ball will be dropped.If it hits the crack
perfectly it will come off at a 45 degree angle and is also very difficult to catch and will find the
opposing frontcourter "out of position".The opposing backcourter will not be able to catch any of these balls if the shot is thrown low.


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