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Fronton Mexico (Spanish)

Note that there are actually three tournaments being contested, the National (B) Tournament, a women's Tournament, and the Betway (A) Tournament.


Fronton Mexico. International Tournament July 5, 2023 Opening Day.
July 6, 2023

The Frontón México dressed up on its inaugural day, registering an excellent entrance in a family atmosphere, in which a large number of fans eager to witness this spectacular sport gathered at the "Palacio de la Pelota" in the Tabacalera neighborhood , which, without a doubt, is part of the tradition of Mexico City. The inauguration was attended by great personalities of the Jai Alai family and the inauguration was in charge of the Engineer Antonio Cosío Pando and the Mtro. Mikel Arriola in the company of the Frontón México Entertainment Directorate, as well as the Sports Director of said property Daniel Inclán, and the pleasant presence of the beloved figure Samuel Inclán, all of them escorted by the pelotaris who will be part of the Jai International Betway Tournament Alay 2023.

The inaugural pitch was in charge of Mikel Arriola, who is a great pelotari and a personality in the world of baseball.

First National Tournament Match Reds Inclán--Pérez Vs Blues Ochoa--Cordova

The first game of the opening day was a game in which the red couple dominated from the beginning, taking advantage from the first ten, highlighting the work of Inclán in the happy teams, whom we saw very confident in the rest of the serve, doing what was necessary to not lose the advantage, supported at all times by Pérez who was also confident at the back to take the victory by a score of 30-17.

Women's Tournament Match: Reds Oihana and Eneritz Lizardi Vs Blues Gisela Ucles and Frida Watkins .

The second game of the day left a pleasant sensation of the advancement of the women's basket, since the four pelotaris, despite their young age, showed they had presence on the field, considering that they have few days of rehearsal at the Frontón México, they gave a precious and fierce match, the blue couple taking the victory 20 to 16.

Of the winning couple, we must highlight the safety of Gisela, who was brave and confident throughout the match, despite not being 100% physically, perhaps because she still hasn't gotten used to the altitude of Mexico City, which speaks of her professionalism. and gallantry as a pelotari. Her teammate defender Frida, who is from Zumaia and is 15 years old, also has beautiful forehand and backhand postures, showed integrity and confidence throughout the game and also has character and personality, shooting two walls to score a goal at a crucial moment in the game. who won the applause and admiration of the public; Without a doubt, in addition to having her, she has beautiful forehand and backhand postures, she has the material of a champion, like her countrymen from Zumaia "Goiko" and "López", two greats of all time.

For their part, the reds did not stop fighting throughout the game, achieving the last equalizer in goal 14, which seemed an exciting end to the game, but they could not take advantage from there and stayed at 16.

Of them we can say that the striker Oihana who is the daughter and sister of pelotaris, so she is already part of what we could call the "Sorozabal" dynasty, all of them great pelotaris. She showed not only that she knows how to play ball, since she has caste and dedication and exceptional qualities for this beautiful sport; Without a doubt, it will be interesting to see her during the tournament, since as she feels comfortable on the court, she will be a protagonist of the tournament. His defender Eneritz demonstrated security and very good posture, in addition to her extensive experience since at her young age she participated with the Spanish team that won the World Cup of the International Federation in Biarritz 2022, so it is well known that he is an experienced pelotari, and we will have to follow her in the tournament.

First Game of the Betway International Tournament Reds Iturbide and Danel Vs Blues Benetrix Del Río

It was an exciting match where the four pelotaris showed you their high level and that they are ready to face anyone. Benetrix, who made his debut at the "Palacio de la Pelota", left a very pleasant impression on the fans, proving to be a pelotari who knows how to position himself perfectly on the court and who has a side of envy since he dominates it with terrifying confidence. Which also helps him deal damage on the live ball rebound. Both Benetrix and Del Río made practically no mistakes after the second decade of the match and as soon as they settled on the field from the tie at 8, they took the lead and Del Río, who is a "Lion" on the field, in as much as the exceptional right hand that he has warmed him up, they did not let go of the advantage until they took the victory by a difference of 5 points by a score of 30 to 25.

Iturbide, as always, proved at all times to be a top-class pelotari seeking to recover goals at all times, he subtracted (intercepted?) the serve several times, achieving goals with the costadillo but that was not enough. For his part, Danel also demonstrated courage and gallantry without ceasing in his fight, for which he made it clear that he has the material of "Markina" and carry the surname "Mandiola" high, who have been great pelotaris; However, it should be noted that luck was not on their side because perhaps they lost the advantage in the effort to come back and a couple of backhand and forehand balls hit the "txapa" and another couple of goals where they bounced strangely. the ball in the rest of the serve, so we believe that the result did not fully reflect the reality of the game since it was very rallied at all times.

Second Game of the Betway International Tournament Reds Sierra and Salegi Vs Blues Bixente and Oyhenard

The match that closed today's day was fast-paced and very exciting, as it had equalizers in the goals 20, 21, 23, 24 and 25, so it seemed that the leprechauns were around the fronton to have a first equalizer at 29 but unfortunately for the Sierra and Salegi reds, it was not like that because they stayed at 25, so the final score favored the blues by 30 to 25.

The French Bixente and Oyhenard demonstrated as always that pride that characterizes them, both know each other well, so their integration as a couple on the pitch helped them maintain concentration at all times, denoting an excellent position on the pitch.

Bixente is a born striker who covers the happy squares perfectly, coupled with an exceptional sideline, doing damage at every opportunity that comes his way. The French defender Oyhenard demonstrated his evolution in the rear and his great quality at his young age, who we must recognize has some fine pelotari postures and a prodigious right hand, so he will surely develop a great game as he fits into the field. the Mexico Fronton.

For their part, Sierra and Salegi gave a great game and in truth, in the 25 equal game the game could have gone to anyone. Sierra demonstrated his great ability with his spectacular plays in the happy squares, subtracting the right kick to the exact drop shot or throwing the cut and even threw a "marked" two walls that generated a standing ovation from the audience. He is a pelotari that it is a pleasure to see him on the field since he always has a genius that few dare and when this happens he is a different emotion that he transmits to the public. In that self-confidence, he threw a drop shot that had already defeated Bixente but stayed in the "Txapa" and this prevented the comeback in the last goals of the match and this, coupled with a backhand ball from Salegi that hit the top of the wall of help,

Salegi undoubtedly made it clear that he is a great pelotari and that he also has "Markina" material, he did not stop fighting at all times and it can be seen from a distance how his blood bubbles on the field and that he does not leave anything for then, he pulls with everything from any box on the court to the last stone and if he has to rebound, nothing is saved either, surely for his second game he will be even more comfortable on the court, so it is a couple that can go far in this tournament for what will have to be followed.



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