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Re(2): Orlando Jai Alai

Bennett, you did a great job in outlining the ins and outs of the compact but there has been an update. The US Court of Appeals in a 3-0 decision just overturned the previous judge ruling voiding the agreement. So unless plaintiffs take the appeal to the US Supreme Court which I seriously doubt, the inner workings of the compact have been found to be legal. However, there is still the issue of whether or not the compact itself needs voter approval due to the gambling amendment Florida passed... that issue would have to be taken up by the Florida Supreme Court. If it does go to the Fla Supreme Court, if they vote not to hear the case it becomes law, or they can vote to uphold the agreement and it becomes law, or they can vote that voter approval is required before becoming law. In that case, the legislature will almost certainly put it on the ballot. It then wouldnt be voted on til next year and would have to pass by the required margin. If it passes , we would FINALLY get sports betting sometime in 2025... if not, the agreement gets scrapped and Florida gets no sports betting. The decouple clause is a gambling decrease not increase so voter approval on that wont be required and the legislature will just pass a stand alone decouple bill as a substitute measure. Very complicated indeed but the Orlando date request must be just to cover the posibilities of sports betting because I understand, the agreement does provide for tracks and frontons to be allowed sports betting with an agreement made to the Seminoles. It isnt just strictly app betting.


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