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hits since 8/12/03
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Question for Stu Neiman

In case Stu still checks in to the board from time to time….there was a video I saw not too long ago (but can’t locate it now) where Stu was talking about pelotas. And he said something along the lines of how one of the worst changes made in 1988 was something related to the pelotas that were being used.

Stu- do you remember this and if so what was the change you were talking about? Did they “retire” the old pelotas and bring in different ones? Possibly from a different source? Was this just at Miami? Or at all World Jai-Alai frontons?

Would love to know more about this. As I watch old clips, it does seem that back in the pre-strike days, the pelotas seemed to be more lively, have a little more zip to them, bounce higher on the picas, and even have a different sound.

Enlighten us if you can and thanks Stu


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