Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, Duffy (Thursday)
Happy Birthday, 4decadepro (Friday)
Tiger Prizes

Hey Tiger,

I notice you live in Connecticut.... Do you ever go to the Glastonbury area?
Because if you do I could just hand off the prizes for the up coming contest.
I have 4 new Bridgeport Jai Alai silk screened tee shirts from back then.
I also have 1 Blue plastic glass from Hartford Jai Alai for the 1,000th Performance
on July 24th 1980. And 1 Jai Jack glass from World Jai Alai. I Have an 11x17 4 color
team picture of the roster at Tampa Fronton... included in the picture many of the greats
we all remember... including Bolivar! And the last 2 are front license plates one from
Bridgeport, and one from Milford Jai Alai. I figure you can give the guys the choice of
the prizes... And what they don't take this contest, keep the others for the future contests !!

Thanks Tiger, for the past 20 years... looking forward
to the next 20 years !!!


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