2021 2022 2023 %CHANGE %CHANGE
vs 2021 vs 2022
Miami 159,656 236,689 218,878 +37% -8%
Dania 218,975 349,388 497,003 +127% +42%
Ocala 124,237 128,873 114,464 -8% -11%
Fort Pierce 299,414 0 0 -100% n/a
Magic City 653,754 782,108 732,407 +12% -6%
Calder 52,023 63,151 80,573 +55% +28%
TOTALS 1,508,059 1,560,209 1,643,325 +9% +5%
We don't cover all the cardrooms in the State, just those at the current/former frontons.