Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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hits since 8/12/03
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Re(3): World Super Court

I agree Goixerri would have made it into the late games in short order. maybe the next season.
BUT, I disagree that just because he will be in the late games he will be better than Inaki or
Jairo. Both of those players are still getting much better also !! I for one, always give the nod
to a more experienced player!! The youngsters have to prove themselves against much tougher
competition..... let them face Erik,and such players every game, day in, day out. Then let them
face the pros from Europe every year in Partitos.... Playing real pros.... in a format that you
play 2 single point games to 15 points, and in the event of 1 win each, a 5 point playoff !!
You are playing well over an hour !! These players really have no idea what what will happen.
I feel that while Magic City is very entertaining, it is by no means as demanding physically or talent wise as the REAL sport of Jai Alai..... What I am trying to say here is.... MAYBE.... We shall see. A real Pelota is definitely much more dangerous.... and demands more respect than a rubber ball with tape on it.... I will even go so far to say it adds Fear to a very dangerous game!!! That is not present with a rubber ball. I like Magic City Jai Alai.... For what it is.... But it is similar in many ways to real Jai Alai..... But it is what it is.... ENTERTAINMENT !!!!!



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