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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)

Erik is only Erik when at Dania...in my opinion. I've never seen him display his Dania talents anywhere but at Dania. Never at Citrus tourney, or the few partidos I've seen him in overseas, such as this one.

At Dania, Erik is so patient and consistent, and just waits for an opponent to lose patience and go for a whacky kill that fails, and there he is to put it away. He comes across as a confidence player...like when he knows he's the one to beat, he won't be beaten. Not so in this partido. Even he could not get over how awful he played...and let's admit it...he played awful. I've never seen him miss so many routine shots. The only glimmer of hope was reeling off about 6 points in a row, to get in the match in Set #1, only to fall back off again and hardly do a thing from that point on. Goiko and Leke did not win the match. Nearly half the points were decided by poor Erik tips.

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