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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
FYI: How/why the Fall Knockout bracket works

Perhaps you know this cold, but for those who don't, here's the skinny.

We need to arrange the contestants head-to-head (in matches) before the knockout portion begins. Well, ... duh!

But, how do we do that?
    Arbitrary (by Tiger)? - Don't think anyone would like that.
    Random? - Fair, (at least on the surface), but would hate to wind up with known Rumble titans paired in Round 1.
    Seeded? - Best choice.
So, the Qualifying round gets all the contestants together, and their scores are ranked from 1 to 32. Then, in Round 1:
    #1 plays #32
    #2 plays #31
    #3 plays #30
    and so forth
You see, the top scorer gets to play the low scorer in Round 1, i.e. the higher scorers get more 'favorable' matchups in Round 1.
You can view the empty bracket (click HERE):
Now, it's easy to see that if there are more than 32 entries, we can eliminate those who scored less than #32.

Conversely, if there are less than 32 entries, we can award 'byes' (default wins) to as many of the top scorers as needed.

Hope that clears things up a bit, but, if you're still confused, don't hesitate to ask.


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