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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
The countdown begins!

Hello chalkies,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and I also hope that everyone is enjoying their last Sunday without live Jai Alai until March 2024.

I know I am!

I’ve been extremely busy for the last couple months trying to put together the season starting next Friday, December 1.

I’m sure there are a lot of questions pertaining to the roster, the schedule, and of course the betting. So this coming Thursday, November 30, Dave LaMont and I will be doing a live broadcast on our YouTube channel starting at 6 PM. We will be talking about the upcoming tournament, the new players, as well as answering, any questions that come across on the live chat.

We’re very excited about this upcoming tournament and we hope that we see the love and support that we did the last time around.

Get ready fellas, opening day is six days away!


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