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Re(1): M.C. this week...

I have not been following MC this season, so speaking from a position of great ignorance.

However, one thing I can say, right off the bat, is that there is a major defect in the doubles game presentation in the MC pdf program pages. Specifically, the team stats are completely MIA. Normally, if you don't have your own computer program or a spreadsheet system, you would rely on looking in the program to see AT A GLANCE just how the teams stack up based on their season records. At MC, no can do.

I asked Stu about this once in the chat, and he had a reason why their software can't generate it. So it is not intentional. But, think about it. Jai-alai frontons with doubles games were providing team stats for decades. And here, the doubles games are an integral part of the Jai-5, not to mention the Mighty Ocho. To not provide team stats gives a big and unfair edge to those computer guys.

It's strange because in most cases MC goes above and beyond, but here we have a big FAIL.

(And let's not forget, the team stats on their own are just bare bones. If a team gets all their wins in the low posts and flops badly in 5-6-7, you'll never know it. And - if for whatever reason, the posts were assigned unequally over the season, same thing)

As I said, I am not following ATM, but looking at the Mo Crank stats, it looks like we can construct the team records by putting together the figures for the 3 tournament sessions.

30: 5 - 3 - 3
42: 4 - 4 - 9
52: 8 - 3 - 9
124: 17 - 10 - 21

43: 7 - 7 - 2
31: 8 - 10 - 11
12: 2 - 1 - 0
86: 17 - 18 - 13

So it appears that even though Jairo-Ben are not a tournament team in this phase, they are still playing here and there, and are obviously the better 17-wins-havin'-team by far.


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