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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, 4decadepro (Friday)
Re(2): Dania Getting Hot

Thank you Toby, and I’m sorry I missed you this weekend. It was a great pleasure to meet you last season.

It was also nice to see you Steve and finally get to meet you. I did spend about 20 minutes in the audience on Sunday saying hi to friends like Perry and Kevin Cox that made a special trip from New York to come watch some live jai-alai.

As far as the kind words go, it would be great if you and anyone else that has a nice experience at Dania could go to Google and make a positive review of your experience. The company and more so our bosses take the googles review very seriously. If you would, mention me or any of our staff members that make you experience better.

I’m hoping that the experience gets better as time goes by and as we make our way through February.

It’s always a pleasure to see you guys in the audience, enjoying the show!


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