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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Jet lag?

Of course it is not his first time on this court. But it is his first time in a long while.

The counter to zjaialai56's position would be to study the performances of the visiting players in the NAJF tournament rounds from yesteryear. Even better would be to analyze the home and away results from the many Miami-Dania tournaments.

For me it is obvious that there is an adaptation period switching from your own very familiar home court to another.

Here is a quote from a comparable situation from someone who just might have decent credentials.

The ATP tour is played on many surfaces. As an athlete, is changing surfaces good or bad for you?

Novak Djokovic: It is always a challenge to change surface in a very short period of time. You have to adapt to different conditions, which is not easy, both physically and mentally.

So when he says adapt, does he mean in 2 seconds? And why would they need to adapt anyway, since they undoubtedly remember how the courts play from their previous seasons?

IMO, it is not about "remembering how a court plays" the way I might remember that Pi = 3.141592653589 etc, it's more about regrooving your instincts thru some practice so that your shots automatically go where you intend them. AKA, getting the feel for things.

A final idea on this is that over the years when some of the Dania players would return from the summer tournaments, it would often take weeks for them to hit their stride.

And guess what? If the jai-alai world were crawling with obsessively analytical types, this whole topic would have already been analyzed and documented to death, leaving little room for authoritative opinions to argue otherwise. Clearly that is not the case, but the data is out there, waiting.


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