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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, 4decadepro (Friday)
Goiko at Dania

I have watched Goiko play countless times at Miami, and I went to three performances at Dania this weekend, so I think I can make some informed comments on his play at Dania.

Friday was a huge disappointment, however, while everyone was pissed and making all kinds of assumptions, I was noticing he was getting better as the night went on, while still stinking. I don't know why he was playing bad, and am not making excuses, but it did seem like he was just going through the motions getting a feel for the court and never felt comfortable. I told my chalkie friend to watch out on Saturday night he will play very good in front of a large crowd and after having gotten some court time.

Saturday afternoon he was playing much better, and Saturday night he was playing like he does.

Sunday however, I don't know if you can tell by watching a video, but from watching from up close, it was Goiko on F'ing steroids. I think he got 2 chic chacs in one game, the same as all other players combined for the whole performance, it looked like he was having fun out there with those kids who were loving it. That Argoitia kid played his HEART out when he played with Goiko. Unfortunately there were only like 70 people in the audience, but good for me, I got to meet Goiko and he signed my jai alai ball, and Felix also, so I had a great time.

BTW those kids are very good and with tons of energy, they are learning the court and playing better as the season goes.

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