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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Goiko, jai-alai and the American way!

First, I want to thank you Benny for bringing in one of the best players of all time to Dania this past weekend it was a wonderful idea which I do appreciate. In my opinion, I feel your idea was great but the problem was it ended up being bad timing as it was last minute and it's holiday season along with the bad weather we had over the weekend too which I believe were the main reasons for the disappointing turnout. Goiko, I will say in watching him many years at Miami and also overseas in the partidos was phenomenal and definitely one of the best classiest players I have watched play the game no doubt. I will also say his performance this past weekend was certainly not his best. I do agree on Friday night he looked sluggish and didn't play with much passion or effort that we're accustomed to seeing from him which I admit was pretty surprising and disappointing. And certainly jet lag and him coming last minute without practicing on the court may have had something to do with it but at the end of the day no one wants to hear excuses like that especially when it comes to your hard earned money to wager on it. And no one likes to see someone not giving 100% on the Court especially someone to Goikos caliber so I can definitely understand where people would be upset from that perspective. To many other chalkies point, I can certainly understand their disappointment and frustration but we also need to keep in mind that one weekend of Goiko not playing to his normal high level of play doesn't define or ruin what was a hall of fame like career. And he did play much better overall Saturday and Sunday still not to the level that we're accustomed to seeing from him.The bottom line is I commend you Benny for arranging one of the best players of all time to come to dania. I just think it was bad timing and with better planning it could have worked out better. Not your fault just unfortunate timing and circumstances. I also want to thank you for keeping Dania going strong with the new season with the roster of young talented players as I'm personally excited to continue to watch and wager for the next couple of months and I hope this will lead to bigger and better things down the road where we can get jai alai at Dania to be a longer season


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