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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Observation - old school thought vs new main stream

So I was checking performance lengths of Dania while I had a free moment and it blows my mind how the old train of thought can't be molded to our current world.

Avg dania performance almost 4 hrs and 4:15 on 10 game Saturdays which typically feature 10 bux in the win pool and the atmosphere of a morgue.

Avg nba g league game 2:05
Nba bright lights game 2:28
Mlb as we all know has gone to GREAT lengths to trim to 3 hrs or less
Hockey 3:05
Football remains the outlier with all the media time outs at
College 3:15
Pro well over 3 hours.
Ncaa basketball women's side 1:50, men's 2:15
Soccer 2:20
You get my drift. In an era where people stay at venues a shorter length of time, spend less time out of the house per recreational outing and lose interest 4 times quicker, Dania sees it fit to run 10 game performances in excess of 4:15 which no one is staying for or watching in their entirety. That ship has long sailed, there are far too many other things to do and the new generation just wants to get home sooner.

Add to this the fact that even during my time at dania, they were the ONLY fronton running tourny games in the middle of the card because people always were all gone after game 9, it just shows a lack of attention to detail.

These cards should start at 6:45 pm and feature 8 games 4 doubles and 1 single and double to 9 with a pick 6 and pick 8, aiming the timing for exactly 3:15 per performance. Keeping it much more in line with current sporting trends and options.

One observation. The next would be to hire a host. A game day host who can run contests do crowd cam. Hype etc. There is SO much coming from the booth it is overwhelming and makes someone want to tune out. When it comes to PA, Every sports trend is "less is more" you allow your host to be the other voice holding the public's interest and being able to interact directly with the fan base.

Also, especially with jai alai, the booth is not the place for play by play and continual description in house. For a television feed get a play by play team like Spain, if that's your angle. I promise it will give you a far better chance of appeal to a new audience.

Merry Christmas everyone!! Enjoy the bowl games, great food, NFL and NBA too!!

P.s. to this day, the players are still overworked weekly compared to all other professional athletes.


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